David Moyer

Session Details

AI and the Radical Transformation of Medicine as We Know It

Healthcare & Home Care

Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Time: 10:05 am

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, it’s easier than you think.
  2. Understand the future potential of AI to deliver customized care, support aging populations, and fundamentally change healthcare delivery models.
  3. Understand the downsides to using AI and what is being done to correct and limit them.

Artificial intelligence is already transforming the delivery of care as we know it. AI applications can automate the detection of medical issues, expand access to preliminary assessments, and optimize complex hospital systems. But its potential continues beyond there – predictive analytics may help manage chronic conditions proactively. AI is also accelerating drug discovery and meeting the growing demand for technologies that enable independent aging. As these applications advance, AI promises to usher in a new era of personalized healthcare that could not have been imagined just a few years ago.

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