Paul W. Flowers

Session Details

Move Over, Boomers, Here Comes Gen X

Aging Trends

Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Time: 12:45 pm

Session Learning Objectives:

  1. To recognize the imminence of Generation X entering into elderhood.
  2. To explain how and why Gen-Xers differ from Baby Boomers.
  3. To provide considerations for marketing senior-oriented products and services to Gen-Xers.

Gen-Xers will begin turning SIXTY next year. In many ways, they will be much like their predecessors, the Baby Boomer generation. But there will be differences CSAs and other professionals will want to be aware of as they begin serving – and marketing to – this next class of seniors, such as:

  • Their work ethic
  • Different family values
  • Lower expectations and related fears regarding economic stability and job security
  • More conservative political leanings
  • A greater tendency toward individualism
  • And more

This presentation will provide a primer for professionals serving older adults who will begin dealing with Generation X, probably sooner than later, explaining what makes them similar – and different – to the seniors they serve today, and how to better prepare to market senior-focused products or services to them.