Dr. Jan Vinita White


Freelance Gerontologist
Freelance Consulting

Session Information

Title: Normal Aging - Lessons from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging [BLSA]

Day: Tuesday, August 27, 2024  Time: 11:15 am

Session Info

Jan Vinita White, PhD, is a gerontologist, consultant, aging authority, writer, speaker, and researcher on the biological, psychological, and social issues of health and aging. She is a Certified Senior Advisor®. For fourteen years, Dr. Jan has been advancing this conversation through her blog post, which has attracted a global following. The pandemic ended her weekly live television segment, popular in the Tennessee Valley for seventeen years. Dr. White provides comprehensive aging consulting services to corporations and healthcare professionals. She is engaged weekly with the International Federation on Aging and a frequent subject matter contributor to ResearchGate. In 2023, Dr. White relocated to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, working as a freelance consultant and is on the board of the Village-to-Village Diamondhead Senior Center. In her spare time, she writes novels, power walks, and participates in aquatic exercises. She has published two under the pseudonym “Lucky Ringwood” and is finishing her third novel.