The Working With Older Adults Education Program

Certificate Program
The Working with Older Adults Certificate Program is a separate learning option from the Working with Older Adults course that gives you the benefit of being able to choose the topic areas from the course that will best enhance and supplement your existing expertise and knowledge.
Enroll in one or more of the six certificate courses in the Working with Older Adults Certificate Program based on your unique interests and needs, and receive a Certificate of Achievement for acquiring new, practical knowledge in each certificate course.
The six certificate courses are the same content as the Working with Older Adults course. Real-life examples, hands-on tips and numerous resources help you apply the knowledge and insight from each certificate course in your daily interactions with older adults to take relationships and professional practices to new levels of quality and effectiveness.
The Working with Older Adults Certificate Program is also separate from the Certified Senior Advisors (CSA)® Certification Program, which is dually-accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) and the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).
If you are enrolled in one or more of the courses in the certificate program, you may apply for the CSA certification exam at any time. However, the certificate courses cannot be credited in any manner to enrollment in the Working with Older Adults course.
Working with Older Adults Certificates
Certificate Program - $195 per part
The Working with Older Adults Certificate Program comes with the following items included:
- The Working with Older Adults textbook section which corresponds with your course selection
- 2 months of access to our online learning portal
- Chapter Webinars
- Comprehensive Online Quiz
- Personalized Certificate Upon Completion
The individual parts from the course are listed below. Please visit the Course Curriculum page for a detailed description of the complete course and each individual part.
Part 1: The Journey of Aging
- Aging and Society
- The Experience of Aging
- Family and Social Support among Older Adults
- Best Practices in Communicating with Older Persons

Part 2: Health Transitions as People Grow Older
- Physical Changes of Aging
- Chronic Conditions among Older Adults
- Cognitive Changes of Aging
- Mental and Emotional Health in Later Years
- Healthy and Creative Living in Aging

Part 3: Quality-of-Life Choices for Older Adults
- Housing and Services for Aging Needs
- Caregiving in Families
- Advance Care Planning and Directives
- Hospice and Palliative Care
- End-of-Life Choices and Ethics

Part 4: Financial & Estate Planning for Age 65 and Older
- Financial Planning for Retirement
- Main Sources of Retirement Income
- Basics of Investing for Age 65 and Older
- Federal Income Taxes and Older Adults
- Essentials of Estate Planning

Part 5: Federal & State Programs for Retirement & Health Care
- Medicare
- Medicaid and Older Adults
- Social Security and SSI
- Veterans Benefits

Part 6: Essential Ethics for Working with Older Adults
- Practical, Everyday Ethics in Serving Older Adults
- Protecting Older Adults from Financial Exploitation
- Finding Qualified Professional Resources

Class Schedule
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